About Us

?Who are we
The “Economics Students Forum” is an independent initiative of Israeli economic students, founded in 2007. We seek to stimulate the economics discourse at the universities, to expose students to economic issues relevant to Israeli society, and to give them a better understanding of the economic universe. We are motivated by the criticism heard in Israel and abroad, regarding the way economics is being taught, and we try on promoting a pluralist and inter-disciplinary teaching of economics in the universities

As a major part of the “Economics Students Forum” in Haifa University activity we offer the students a non-academic course throughout the second semester. In this course we try to expose students to the significant role economics has on our lives, to expand the available methodologies, and challenge the current solutions being modeled and taught. The forum is supported by the “Social Economic Academy”, the Haifa Students Association and the Haifa Economics Department

The Teaching of Economics in Israeli Universities – Position Paper

During November 2009 through February 2011, the Forum had been active at the national level. The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute decided to set up a research group to look at academic economics programs in Israel, especially at the undergraduate level, with the goal of expanding knowledge of the current situation and proposing ways to improve it. The group evaluated economics programs in Israel, and it’s main conclusion was that university economics programs are too theoretical in their orientation. They do not give their graduates an adequate background for future positions with broad social and economic implications or prepare them to be social scientists who understand economic models in the broad context